何晓明 副教授
性       别
职       务
所属部门 工商管理系
学科领域 战略管理;国际商务
电子邮箱 xiaominghe@ecust.edu.cn
硕士生:Research Methods II--Research design and data analysis; Research Methods III--Thesis and academic writing
2021--至今 可以买球赛的正规app,副教授, 博士生导师
2010--2020 北京交通大学,副教授, 博士生导师
2006--2010 美国德州农工大学,梅斯可以买球赛的正规app,管理博士
1) Xiaoming He*, & Ao Chen. 2022. Impact of Chinese firms’ connections on EVA performance: the moderating roles of connection heterogeneity and product diversification. Chinese Management Studies, 16(1): 211-230.
2) Yaqun Yi, Yu Chen, Xiaoming He*. 2022. CEO leadership, Strategic Decision Comprehensiveness and Firm Performance: the Moderating Role of TMT Cognitive Conflict. Management & Organization Review, 18 (1): 131-166.
3) Xiaoming He*, Cui, L. and Meyer, K. 2022. How state and market logics influence firm strategy from within and outside? Evidence from Chinese financial intermediary firms. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 39: 587-614.
4) Huang, X., Fan, D., & Xiaoming He*, & Su, Y*. 2021. The Microfoundation of Ambidextrous Foreign Direct Investment. Management & Organization Review, 17 (3): 551-582.
5) Xiaoming He, Yaqun Yi*, and Zelong Wei. 2019. New Product Development Capabilities in China: The moderating role of TMT cooperative behavior. Asian Business & Management, 18 (2): 73-97.
6) Yaqun Yi, Hermann Ndofor, He, Xiaoming.* and Zelong Wei, 2018. Top management team tenure diversity and performance: the moderating role of behavior integration. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 65 (1): 21-33.
7) Lin, Cui & Xiaoming He*. 2017. Expanding near the home base or venture far? The influence of home-country state on FDI economic distance. Journal of Business Research, 75: 95-107.
8) Xiaoming He.*, Eden, L., & Hitt, M. 2016. Shared governance: institutional investors as a counterbalance to the state in state owned multinationals. Journal of International Management, 22 (2): 115-130.
9) Xiaoming He*, Chakrabarty, S. & Eden, L. 2016. The global emergence of Chinese multinationals: a resource-based view of ownership and firm performance. Asian Business & Management, 15 (1): 1-31.
10) Xiaoming He.*, Eden, L., & Hitt, M. 2016. The Renaissance of State-Owned Multinationals. Thunderbird International Business Review, 58 (2): 117-129.
11) Hermann Ndohor, David Sirmon, & Xiaoming He.*.2015. Utilizing the firm’s resources: how TMT heterogeneity and resulting faultlines affect TMT tasks. Strategic Management Journal, 36: 1656-1674.
12) Yaqun Yi, Xiaoming He*, Hermann Ndofor and Zelong Wei, 2015. Dynamic capabilities and the speed of strategic change: evidence from China. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 62 (1): 18-28.
13) Xiaoming He*. and Cui, L. 2012. Can strong home country institutions foster the internationalization of MNEs? Multinational Business Review, 20 (4): 352-375.
14) Hermann Ndohor, David Sirmon, & Xiaoming He. 2011. Resources, competitive actions and performance: Investigating a meditated model with evidence from the in-vitro diagnostic industry. Strategic Management Journal ,32 (6): 640-657.
15) Hermann, Ndohor, David, Sirmon, & Xiaoming He. 2009. Resources, actions, and performance: Investigating a meditated model. Best Paper Proceedings Academy of Management 2009.
16) Mike. A. Hitt & Xiaoming He. 2008. Firm strategies in a changing global competitive landscape. Business Horizons,51 (5): 363-369.
2018 陕西省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖 二等奖 2/4
Associate Editor of Chinese Management Studies


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