陈雅静 副教授
性       别 Office Hour
职       务 讲师 时       间   周一上午10:00-12:00
所属部门 经济学系 地       点   1210
学科领域 微观经济学
电子邮箱 yajingchen@ecust.edu.cn
本科:博弈论基础 经济数学
2021.09 至今,可以买球赛的正规app,副教授
2009.09 - 2013.07,早稻田大学大学院经济学研究科,经济学博士
2006.09 - 2009.07,复旦大学经济学系,经济学硕士
2002.09 - 2006.07,天津财经大学经济学系,经济学学士
(1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,随机分配问题中公平、效率与激励的权衡,2023.01-2026.12,主持
(2) 国家自然科学基金青年项目,离散资源随机分配机制的公理化研究,2018.01-2020.12,主持
(3) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目,离散型公共资源分配的机制设计,2017.07-2020.06,主持
(1) Chen, Y., Jiao, Z., Qin, W., & Shan, J. (2023). Fairness and efficiency of the random serial dictatorship on preference domains with a tier structure. Operations Research Letters, 51(6), 638-642.
(2) Chen, S., Chen, Y., & Hsu, C. L. (2023). New axioms for top trading cycles. Bulletin of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.1111/boer.12393
(3) Chen, Y., Harless, P., & Jiao, Z. (2023). The fractional Boston random assignment rule and its axiomatic characterization. Review of Economic Design. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10058-023-00329-7
(4) Chen, Y., Huang, Y., Jiao, Z., & Zhao, Y. (2022). A comparison study on responsiveness of three mechanisms to affirmative action in school choice. Operations Research Letters, 50(5), 488-494.
(5) Chen, Y., Jiao, Z., Zhang, Y., & Zhao, F. (2021). Resource allocation on the basis of priorities under multi-unit demand. Economics Letters, 202, 109814.
(6) Chen, Y., & Zhao, F. (2021). Alternative characterizations of the top trading cycles rule in housing markets. Economics Letters, 201, 109806.
(7) Chen, Y., & Jiao, Z. (2021). On the equivalence of the Boston and top trading cycles school choice mechanisms. Operations Research Letters, 49(3), 300-303.
(8) Chen, Y., Jiao, Z., Shen, Z., & Tian, G. (2019). Affirmative action under common school priorities: The top trading cycles mechanism case. Operations Research Letters, 47(3), 190-196.
(9) Chen, Y. (2017). New axioms for deferred acceptance. Social Choice and Welfare, 48, 393-408.
(10) Chen, Y. (2016). New axioms for immediate acceptance. Review of Economic Design, 20, 329-337.
(11) Chen, Y. (2014). When is the Boston mechanism strategy-proof?. Mathematical Social Sciences, 71, 43-45.
Mathematical social sciences审稿人


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