任宏涛 副教授
性       别 Office Hour
职       务 时       间   周五8:00-10:00
所属部门 管理科学与工程系 地       点   1012
学科领域 管理科学与工程、系统工程
电子邮箱 ren@ecust.edu.cn


2004/10 - 2007/9,Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,知识科学,博士
2001/9 - 2004/7,大连理工大学,管理科学与工程,硕士
1995/9 - 1999/7,大连理工大学,管理科学与工程,学士
2013/6 - 至今,可以买球赛的正规app,可以买球赛的正规app,讲师 ,副教授
2007/4 - 2013/3,International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis,研究学者
考虑双碳目标的能源技术系统建模及其高维不确定分析和多目标优化方法研究,聚焦高耗能行业,研究碳税、能源价格等多维不确定性对能源系统的影响。 研究相关论文如下
Ren Hongtao, Zhou Wenji*, Makowski Marek, Zhang Shaohui, Yu Yadong, Ma Tieju. Annals of Operations Research. A multi-criteria decision support model for adopting energy efficiency technologies in the iron and steel industry. 2023, 325(2): 1111-1132.
Zhou Wenji*, Ren Hongtao*, Zhang Chenfeng, Yu Yadong, Cheng Yunfei, Hu Xiangping, Zhu Bing. Climate Policy. The effects of structural and technical change on China’s industrial CO2 emissions pathways under uncertainty. 2023, 23(3): 285-299.
Guo Ying, Zhou Wenji*, Ren Hongtao*, Yu Yadong, Xu Lei, Fuss Maryegli. Resources Policy. Optimizing the aluminum supply chain network subject to the uncertainty of carbon emissions trading market. 2023, 80: 103247.
Ding Bingqing, Makowski Marek, Zhao Jinyang, Ren Hongtao*, Zakeri Behnam, Ma Tieju*. Journal of Management Science, Engineering. Analysis of technology pathway of China's liquid fuel production with consideration of energy supply security and carbon price. 2023, 8(1): 1-14.
Chen Wenxin, Ren Hongtao*, Zhou Wenji. Global Energy Interconnection. Review of multi-objective optimization in long-term energy system models[J]. 2023, 6(5): 645-660.
Feng Siyu, Ren Hongtao*, Zhou Wenji. Global Energy Interconnection. A review of uncertain factors and analytic methods in long-term energy system optimization models[J]. 2023, 6(4): 450-466.
Chen Wenxin, Feng Siyu, Ren Hongtao*, Nie Yuanhong. Multi-objective Optimization Model of Long-term Energy System for Carbon Neutrality: A Case Study of Shanghai Electricity Demands; proceedings of the 2023 3rd International Conference on Energy Engineering and Power Systems (EEPS), F, 2023 [C]. IEEE.
Ren Hongtao, Zhou Wenji*, Wang Hangzhou, Zhang Bo, Ma Tieju. Annals of Operations Research. An energy system optimization model accounting for the interrelations of multiple stochastic energy prices. 2022, 316(1): 555-579.
Liu Jun, Zhou Wenji*, Yang Jing, Ren Hongtao*, Zakeri Behnam, Tong Dan, Guo Ying, Klimont Zbigniew, Zhu Tong, Tang Xiaolong. Climatic Change. Importing or self-dependent: energy transition in Beijing towards carbon neutrality and the air pollution reduction co-benefits. 2022, 173(3-4): 18.
Ding Bingqing, Makowski Marek, Nahorski Zbigniew, Ren Hongtao*, Ma Tieju*. Energy Economics. Optimizing the technology pathway of China's liquid fuel production considering uncertain oil prices: A robust programming model. 2022, 115: 106371.
Nahorski Zbigniew, Makowski Marek, Ding Bingqing, Ren Hongtao. Handling parameter uncertainty in long-term technology-mix planning models; proceedings of the 2022 IEEE 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS), F, 2022 [C]. IEEE.
Ren Hongtao, Zhou Wenji*, Makowski Marek, Yan Hongbin, Yu Yadong, Ma Tieju. Annals of Operations Research. Incorporation of life cycle emissions and carbon price uncertainty into the supply chain network management of PVC production. 2021, 300: 601-620.
Ren Hongtao, Zhou Wenji*, Guo Ying, Huang Lizhen, Liu Yongping, Yu Yadong, Hong Liyun, Ma Tieju. International Journal of Production Research. A GIS-based green supply chain model for assessing the effects of carbon price uncertainty on plastic recycling. 2020, 58(6): 1705-1723.
Guo Ying, Yu Yadong, Ren Hongtao*, Xu Lei. Journal of Cleaner Production. Scenario-based DEA assessment of energy-saving technological combinations in aluminum industry. 2020, 260: 121010.
任宏涛, 郭颖, 周文戟, 余亚东, 马铁驹*. 系统工程理论与实践. 资源约束下绿色铝供应链网络设计多目标优化. 2020: 2090-2103.


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