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管理信息系统导论 智能制造与智慧运营 研究生 数据驱动的商业研究(PhD) 实证研究方法(普研) 智能制造与商业模式创新(MEM/MBA) 专业英语(MEM)
2011,9- Now 可以买球赛的正规app, 讲师、副教授
2014,11-2015,2 哈尔滨工业大学管理学院,特聘研究员 2010,9-2011,8 香港城市大学资讯系统学系,高级研究助理(博士后) 2005,9-2011,2 香港城市大学资讯系统学系,管理信息系统博士 2004,9-2010,7 中国科学技术大学管理科学系,管理科学与工程博士
新技术赋能安全管理与员工安全行为 智能制造与制造企业转型 电子医疗与电子商务中的用户行为分析
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“部门管理层对员工深度使用企业信息系统的影响:基于中国情境的跨层面研究”(批准号 71571068),2016.1-2019.12,主持人 [2] 国家自然科学基金青年项目:“部门管理层对员工接受企业信息系统的影响:一个跨层面研究”(批准号 71201058),2013.1-2015.12,主持人 [3] 上海市浦江人才计划:“员工拓展性使用企业信息系统:基于创新视角的跨层面研究”(项目号13PJC024),2013.9-2015.8,主持人
[1] Peng, Z., and Guo, X. 2019. "A Multi-Level Investigation on Antecedents for Employees' Exploration of Enterprise Systems," European Journal of Information Systems. (28:4), pp. 439-456. [2] Peng, Z., Sun, Y., and Guo, X. 2018. "Antecedents of Employees' Extended Use of Enterprise Systems: An Integrative View of Person, Environment, and Technology," International Journal of Information Management (39), pp. 104-120. [3] Peng, Z., Liu, C., Zhang, Q., Shen, J. 2018. "Rationality+Emotion: An Empirical Study on Users' Intention to Use Apple Pay," Journal of Management Science (31:4), pp. 79-90. (in Chinese) [4] Peng, Z., Qin, C., Chen, R. R., Cannice, M. V., and Yang, X. 2017. "Toward a Framework of Reverse Knowledge Transfer by Emerging Economy Multinationals: Evidence from Chinese MNE Subsidiaries in the U.S.," Thunderbird International Business Review (59:3), pp. 349-366. [5] Che, T., Peng, Z.*, and Hua, Z. 2016. "Characteristics of Online Group-Buying Website and Consumers Intention to Revisit: The Moderating Effects of Visit Channels," Electronic Commerce Research (16:2), pp. 171-188. [6] Liang, H., Peng, Z.*, Xue, Y., Guo, X., and Wang, N. 2015. "Employees' Exploration of Complex Systems: An Integrative View," Journal of Management Information Systems (32:1), pp. 322-357. [7] Che, T., Peng, Z.*, Lim, K. H., and Hua, Z. 2015. "Antecedents of Consumers' Intention to Revisit an Online Group-Buying Website: A Transaction Cost Perspective," Information & Management (52:5), pp. 588-598. [8] Sun, Y., Lim, K. H., and Peng, Z. 2013. "Solving the Distinctiveness-Blindness Debate: A Unified Model for Understanding Banner Processing," Journal of the Association for Information Systems (14:2), pp. 49-71. 近年主要会议论文 [1] Che, T., Peng, Z.*, Lai, F., and Zheng, X. 2018. "Do the Public Treat Online and Offline Equally? An Explorative Study," PACIS 2018, Yokohama, Japan, p. Paper 455. [2] Huang, P., Peng, Z.*, and Li, M. 2018. "Culture Difference and the Impact on Online Review Helpfulness: From the Analytic and Holistic Cognitive Processing Perspective," in: PACIS 2018. Yokohama, Japan: p. Paper 174. [3] Meng, F., Guo, X., Peng, Z., Lai, K.-H., and Vogel, D. 2016. "Routine Use of Mobile Health Services in the Presences of Health Consciousness," International Conference on Information Systems, Dublin, Ireland. [4] Peng, Z., Liang, H., and Guo, X. 2015. "Task-Technology Fit and Employees' Exploration of Enterprise Systems: Moderating Role of Local Management Commitment," PACIS2015 Proceedings, Singapore. [5] Peng, Z., Sun, Y., and Guo, X. 2014. "Antecedents of Employees' Extended Use of Enterprise Systems: A Proactive Behavior Perspective," PACIS2014 Proceedings, Chengdu, China: Paper 344. [6] Peng, Z., Fang, Y., and Lim, K. 2011. "Social Capital and User Acceptance of Enterprise System: Mediating Role of Local Management Commitment," ICIS 2011 Proceedings, Shanghai, China.
Associate Editor of Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
《管理科学》 Associate Editor 国际信息系统协会(AIS)会员 如下IS领域国际期刊和会议审稿人 Journal of Management Information Systems Information & Management Information Systems Journal Information Technology & People Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) |