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2011.07-至今 可以买球赛的正规app
2016.11-2017.11; 2019.10-2019.12 悉尼大学访问学者 2007.09-2011.08 香港城市大学-中国科学技术大学联合培养 管理科学 博士 2006.09-2011.07 中国科学技术大学管理学院 管理科学与工程 博士 1999.09-2003.07 合肥工业大学管理学院 工商管理 学士
[1] 消费者跨渠道搜索行为下全渠道零售商的定价和产品摆放策略研究(71872064),国家自然科学基金面上项目,2019.01-2022.12,主持
[2] 库存不准确情形下零售商主导型供应链决策研究(18PJC025),上海浦江人才计划,2018.09-2020.09,主持 [3] 基于收益管理的季节性商品库存-价格联合决策研究(71201059),国家自然科学基金青年项目,2013.01-2015.12,主持 [4] 汽车租赁公司最佳汽车持有量和车辆调度策略(2011M500745),中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2011.11-2013.07,主持
[1] Tao Feng, Wang Yao-Yu*, Zhu Shihu. 2022. Impact of blockchain technology on the optimal pricing and quality decisions of platform supply chains. International Journal of Production Research. Accepted.
[2] Tao Feng, Wang Liang, Fan Tijun*, Yu Hao. 2021. RFID adoption strategy in a retailer-dominant supply chain with competing suppliers. European Journal of Operational Research. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2021.12.008. [3] Wang Yao-Yu, Tao Feng*, Wang Jiancai. 2021. Information disclosure and blockchain technology adoption strategy for competing platforms. Information & Management. DOI: 10.1016/j.im.2021.103506. [4] Tao Feng, Xie Yanhong, Wang Yao-Yu*, Lai Fujun, Lai KinKeung. 2021. Contract strategies in competitive supply chains subject to inventory inaccuracy. Annals of Operations Research. DOI: 10.1007/s10479-021-03969-6. [5] Bian Junsong, Liao Yi, Wang Yao-Yu, Tao Feng*. 2021. Analysis of Firm CSR Strategies. European Journal of Operational Research. 290, 914-926. (高被引论文) [6] Tao Feng*, Yu Hao, Fan Tijun, Lai Kinkeung. 2020. Contract preference for the dominant supplier subject to inventory inaccuracy. Computers & Industrial Engineering. Online Available. [7] Fan Tijun, Xu Chang, Tao Feng*. 2019. Dynamic pricing and replenishment policy for fresh produce. Computers & Industrial Engineering. Online Available. [8] Tao Feng, Fan Tijun, Wang Yao-yu*, Lai Kinkeung. 2019. Joint pricing and inventory strategies in a supply chain subject to inventory inaccuracy. International Journal of Production Research. 57(9): 2695-2714. [9] Tao Feng, Fan Tijun, Jia Xuefeng*, Lai Kinkeung. 2019. Optimal production strategy for a manufacturing and remanufacturing system with return policy. Operational Research – An International Journal. Online Available. [10] Tao Feng*, Fan Tijun, Lai Kinkeung. 2019. Inventory management under power structures with consignment contract subject to inventory inaccuracy. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 66(4): 763-773. [11] Tao Feng, Lai Kinkeung, Wang Yao-yu*, Fan Tijun. 2020. Determinant on RFID technology investment for dominant retailer subject to inventory misplacement. International Transactions in Operational Research. 27(2): 1058-1079. [12] Tao Feng, Shao Hao*, Lai Kinkeung. 2020. Pricing and modularity decisions under competition. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization. 16(1): 289-307. [13] Tao Feng*, Fan Tijun, Lai Kinkeung, Li Lin. 2017. Impact of RFID technology on inventory control policy. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 68: 207-220. [14] Tao Feng*, Fan Tijun, Lai Kinkeung. 2018. Optimal inventory control policy and supply chain coordination problem with carbon footprint constraints. International Transactions in Operational Research. 25: 1831-1853. [15] 陶峰,范体军,李琳. 基于RFID的竞争型供应链投资决策研究[J]. 工业工程与管理,2016, 21, 1:89-95. [16] Wang Yaoyu, Tao Feng, Wang Jiancai*. 2017. Designing optimal and practical volumn discounting contracts for the dominant retailer with information asymmetry. International Transactions in Operational Research. 24(6): 1405-1433. [17] Shao Hao, Xu Rui, Tao Feng*. 2015. Canonical form of partial decision list. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering. 19(3) 422-432. [18] Fan Tijun*, Tao Feng, Deng Sheng, Li Shuxia. 2015. Impact of RFID technology on supply chain decisions with inventory inaccuracies. International Journal of Production Economics. 159, 117-125. [19] Li Zhaolin*, Tao Feng, Sun Daewon. 2012. On jointly optimizing the changes of seasonable goods and inventory replenishment. International Journal of Systems Science. 43(6) 1064-1076. [20] Li Zhaolin*, Tao Feng. 2010. On determining optimal fleet size and vehicle transfer policy for a car rental company. Computers & Operations Research. 37: 341-350. |