程岩 教授
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职       务 时       间   周五13::00-15:00
所属部门 管理科学与工程系 地       点   1107
学科领域 管理科学与工程
电子邮箱 yancheng@ecust.edu.cn
本科:管理信息系统导论, 管理信息系统实践
硕士研究生:决策支持系统与智能系统, 管理建模与系统方法
2007.12-今, 可以买球赛的正规app,任教
2003.01-2003.09 Mcmaster University (Canada) 访问学者
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“混合收益模式下在线内容动态定价决策的仿真优化方法研究”,项目编号:71271087, 2013-01至2016-12,项目负责人
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“电子商务零售中动态交叉销售的实时决策方法研究”,项目编号:70871039, 2009-01至2011-12,项目负责人
3. 上海市哲学社会科学规划课题,基于盗版效应分析的信息产品动态定价及版权保护的组合策略研究,项目编号:2010BJB021,2011-01至2012-12,项目负责人

1. 程岩.电子商务中基于Q学习的动态交叉销售方法. 管理科学学报. 2008,11(3):106-113
2. Yan Cheng. Dynamic packaging in e-retailing with stochastic demand over finite horizons: a Q-learning approach. Expert systems with applications, 2009, 36(1): 472-480
3. 程岩.电子商务中面向产品线的动态定价方法研究.系统工程学报,2010,25(4):533-539
4. 程岩.电子商务中面向延迟购买行为的易逝品动态捆绑策略.系统工程理论与实践.2011,31(10):1892-1902
5. 程岩.在线学习中基于群体智能的学习路径推荐方法.系统管理学报.2011, 20(2):232-237
6. 程岩.电子商务中商品交叉销售效果分析及其在促销决策中的应用研究.管理评论,2012,24(10):59-66
7. Yan Cheng. Dynamic Pricing Decision for Perishable Goods: A Q-learning Approach, IEEE 2008 International Conference on Services, Knowledge and Engineering Management,2008
8. Yan Cheng. Real time demand learning-based Q-learning approach for dynamic pricing in eretailing setting, proceedings of the 2009 international symposium on information engineering and electronic commerce, 2009, 594-598 (EI: 20094712465462)
9. Yan Cheng. A cognition inference-based approach for learning object recommendation in Elearning,1st International Symposium on Computer Network and Multimedia Technology, 2009 (EI: 20101212778746)
10. Yan Cheng. A simulation-based genetic algorithm for dynamic product assortment of high effect shelf in retailing store, 2010 7th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, 2010 (EI: 20103513191138)
11. Yan Cheng. Multi-segment's reservation price-based pricing approach for information goods. 2010 International Conference on Management and Service Science,2010 (EI: 20104813438785)
12. Yu-Qing Zhu(朱玉清), Yan Cheng. A cognition-based approach to analyze customer segment's reservation price, International Conference on Management and Service Science,2009, (EI: 20100212630116)
13. 朱玉清,程岩.移动多媒体隐性服务要素组合优化研究.工业工程与管理,2012, 17(1): 84-90
14. 魏守波, 程岩. 移动支付中用户信任的影响要素. 系统工程, 2010, 28(11): 9-15
15. 魏守波, 程岩. 虚拟氛围对在线消费者冲动购买意向影响的实证研究. 系统管理学报, 2012, 21(4): 531-539
16.王艳萍, 程岩. 参考组与时间压力影响下在线消费者对主动式推荐的心理抗拒及接受意愿分析. 管理评论, 2013, 25(2): 70-78
17.王艳萍, 程岩. 在线用户对弹出式广告的心理抗拒分析. 工业工程与管理, 2013, 18(1): 71-77
18. YanPing Wang(王艳萍), Yan Cheng.Psychology Reactance to Online Recommendations: the Influence of Time Pressure, the 3rd International Conference on System Science, Engineering Design and Manufacturing Informatization, 2012
19.Bo Weng(翁波), Yan Cheng. Moedling the Online Content Mixed-Revenue Based on Marketing Response Analysis. The 10th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, 2013:553-558.
20.翁波,程岩. 影响会员服务升级行为的价值体验要素研究---基于在线视频的内容订阅模式. 工业工程与管理, 2014, 19(1): 108-112.
21.Ziyou Li(李姊优), Yan Cheng, Zhenmiao Hu(胡珍苗). The Role of Cognitive Lock-In on Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Online Content in the Context of Hybrid Revenue Model, the 7th International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering, 2014: 305-308.
22.Zhenmiao Hu(胡珍苗), Yan Cheng, Ziyou Li(李姊优). Online Content Sharing on Social Media: The Moderating Effect of Privacy Concern, the 7th International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering, 2014: 301-304.
23.Ziyou Li(李姊优), Yan Cheng.From free to fee: exploring the antecedents of consumer intention to switch to paid online content.Journal of Electronic Commerce Research,2014, 15(4):281-299(SSCI),ISSN: 1526-6133 (Online) 1938-9027 (Print).
24.胡珍苗, 程岩, 崔华玉.在线内容用户服务升级意愿研究:基于增值体验的心理惯性视角.管理评论,2016, 28(11):116-128 .
25.Yameng Sun(孙雅梦), Yan Cheng, Huayu Cui(崔华玉). The Effect of App Store Involvement on App Downloading Intention, the 13th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, 2016: 723-727 .
26.WeiLi(李蔚), Huayu Cui(崔华玉), Yan Cheng. The Impact of Atmospherics in Virtual Community on Online Impulse Buying Intention: The Moderating Effect of Product Types, the 13th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, 2016: 728-732.
27.崔华玉, 程岩. 混合收益模式下在线内容免费数量与广告强度的组合优化, 系统管理学报,2019, 28(5): 946-954
28. Yao Y, Cheng Y, Xie Y.Y. Optimal Allocation of Online Content Combination Pricing under Mixed Revenue Mode[J]. International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, 2019, 10(3): 56-61
29. Wenyu Chen, Yan Cheng?, Jia Li. A Causal Configuration Analysis of Payment Decision Drivers in Paid Q&A, Journal of Data and Information Science. 2021,6(02):139-162
30. Xingyuan Li, Yan Cheng, Lei Guo and Jing Bai. A link-node-based complementarity model for traffic equilibrium with ride-sharing and trunk-sharing, TRANSPORTATION LETTERS. 2022,SCI
31. 彭慧洁, 程 岩. SaaS模式下免费试用质量与试用时长的组合策略研究, 管理评论. 2022,34(1):142-154
32. Huijie Peng, Yan Cheng * and Xingyuan Li. Real-Time Pricing Method for Spot Cloud Services with Non-Stationary Excess Capacity, Sustainability. 2023,15(4):3363


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